Cash, Zane, and Cade

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Good People

In the 24 hour news cycle we live in, you mainly hear bad news. We get to constantly watch as some horrible detrimental thing happens on Wall Street. We learn about how celebrities cheat on each other and change marriages and relationships like most people change tires. We watch as our politicians fight amongst themselves while things stay pretty much the same for the rest of us. After the news is reported we hear from analysts and talking heads. They explain to us what we have just heard and tell us how bad it's going to get. All this bad news keeps us stirred up all the time. Don't eat this food, seven people dropped dead when they ate it in Idaho. Don't take this pill because it made this woman in Florida grow a second head. Take this pill or your legs will stop working. If your child plays with this toy, he or she will immediately burst into flames. If you drive such and such car the accelerator will stick and you will drive it into a movie theater full of disadvantaged teenagers and kill them all including yourself. Don't wear these clothes because they were made by four year old Guatemalan kids who are forced to work 18 hour days without food or water.

You get the idea.

Here are some things you don't hear about on the news. They restore faith in the fact that the world is full of good people. Most people just work hard and raise their families. They are good to others and help their neighbors and friends whenever they can. They probably won't be on the news anytime soon.

Carrie's friend Jennifer took her lunch break to go buy a ton of BBQ and bring it to the house so we wouldn't have to cook that night. She spent way more than she should have, but it sure was nice to just have dinner ready after I had been going full bore since six o'clock that morning. She brought Carrie all kinds of stuff. She may be one of the nicest people we have ever met.

The next night my friend Joe and his wife Brenda brought us Lasagna and French Bread. Two nights in a row we didn't have to cook. Dinner was just there. They called me up and said they were on their way with some food. It was a very welcome surprise.

After Carrie went on bed rest, another triplet Mom named Lisa from Illinois sent a $50 gift certificate to us. I can tell you $50 is a lot of money when you are just expecting triplets. Lisa already has her triplets. Here is the kicker. We have never met Lisa. Carrie has just gotten to know her through e-mail since we found out about the boys.

There is a guy I met a few weeks ago named Jim. He does construction and painting around Austin. He recently beat cancer. He gave me wood and some iron for the boys' room. He told me he would be happy to come by and help me finish it up. He knows I need the help. I offered to pay and he said just give him a beer or two and it would be fun to just hang out with me and work on it.

There's Ryan and Nicola, the other spontaneous triplet parents from Austin. The first time we met them, they gave us swings for the boys. They also have tons of clothes ready for us that I need to go pick up. They even gave us their triplet stroller that our car seats fit onto. They have three six month old babies at home and a daughter. They have offered all kinds of help, support, advice, and above all friendship. This comes right when we really need it.

We also have our sister-in-law Jennifer who coined the term "Team Krug". She sent a care package to the hospital as soon as she could. She is a champion. She will make an excellent mother someday and she is one of the first people to read this blog as soon as it goes up. At this moment, I bet she is very excited to be reading this.

My brother calls me everyday and offers morale support along with a few off color comments.

We have to mention our mothers.

Carrie's mother MOVED here. I don't know what we would have done without her, and they haven't even been born yet. She comes over everyday and cooks, cleans, goes to the store, and does whatever we need. Today she is going to paint for us.

My mother has sent four or five separate packages with items that are far too numerous to mention. I can't believe the things she has made, purchased, and sent to Austin, Texas via all modes of transportation. If I told her I needed her in Austin she would WALK here if that's what it took.

Then there's my Dad.

Let's just say that I don't have the words to thank our parents for what they have done for us.

There is also the baby stuff from everyone. If you are having a baby or thinking about having a baby, don't worry. The stuff will come. People have given us everything we need. From car seats to bottles to clothes. We appreciate all of it and there is literally no way that we would be able to do this without the help we have received from friends, family, and strangers.

This past weekend the band played an event near my hometown. I can't believe how many people know about the boys, read the blog, and came up to offer their support and ask about Carrie. People I hadn't seen in years offered to help in any way they could.

This whole experience has renewed my faith in the goodness of humanity. I guess there is no room in the news for people that get up everyday, work hard, raise their families, and quietly help others in any way that they can.


Unknown said...

MIKE!! I AM so excited! :) Team Krug deserves it, you would do that same for someone else!

Jules said...

This is a FANTASTIC POST! Thank you for sharing kindness in what must be an understandably stressful situation.

(found your blog through multiples and more - congrats on the triplets!)


Donna Coles said...

I've been enjoying keeping up each week. You don't know me but I met Carrie as a child. I'm Lisa's Aunt Donna in Trinity,TX and made one of the afghans that you probably haven't gotten yet. Hope you like it. My prayers are with y'all and hope to meet you one day.

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